Student Success Statement 

" I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating "

Reflection: This quote brought to us by sophocles is truly amazing. He is 100% right in what he is saying. If you win by cheating, you are a bad terrible person that deserves no respect. If you win in that way, you will feel bad about yourself which is not good. You need to win honorably and fair and square. If you lose at something, but you are a sore loser and gets mad, that is not the right way to react. The right way to react is to shake the opponent's hand and say good job.  For example, Malik Stewart lost the state championship but he didn't get mad, he showed respect and hugged his opponents dad which was very kind and respectful. Now that makes him a ctr champion. Winning by cheating is bad, losing with honor is good and it will make you a ctr champion.
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