Student success statement

                            Student Success Statement 

" You cant be right by doing wrong;you cant be wrong by doing right." 

 I believe Thomas S. Monson is completely correct with this quote. Right is Right no matter what. When wrong their is no way you can be right because your obviously doing wrong. Right is right and you cant be wrong when your doing the right. For example, you rob a store. That is automatically the wrong thing to do and there is no way its right. Doing right like helping out a women that cant carry her groceries is the right thing. There is no way that can be wrong. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Every person should always choose the right because you will become very successful. A person who does the wrong gets no where in life but prison because of their bad actions. A person who does the right is going to go to college and become successful. A successful person is what i am going to strive for and i will accomplish it.
Image result for thomas s monson


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