
Showing posts from April, 2018

Chy Johnson

                        Queen Creek High school Bullying  In this high school, a 16 year old girl was being bullied because she had a mental disorder so she wasn't like the other kids. She has been bullying for alot of time now so the mom had to do something about it. She told the starting quarter back to protect her and to make sure she wasn't being bullying. The quarter back is a very important person in this because no else would have the  guts to protect her. What he did was amazing and he should be honored as the best quarter back and the best character, he had the guts to protect her which is very important. What he did really meant a lot to her and a bound of friendship was created. It may have been hard for him to choose the right but he did it.


                                  Student Success Statement  " Being a ctr person isn't always easy. but its the best person you can be"  Reflection; This quote from this girl is totally right. Its hard to always choose the right because there are times where you may do wrong. I'm pretty sure there are times where you can choose the right but there are times where you can choose the wrong. The moment you choose the wrong is when you need to realize what you did and go back to choosing the wrong. There are times where there will be consequences but you just have to learn to not choose the wrong. This girl must be a real ctr person which is very incredible. Choosing the right makes you feel great and you have an amazing feeling after choosing the right.  


                                                    Student Success Statement  "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing" Reflection: I believe this quote by Theodore Roosevelt is truly amazing because he is 100% correct with what hes saying. When you're making a decision, you always have to decide the best thing and choose the right. It may benefit you or it can benefit someone else but you are still choosing the right no matter what. If you make a decision and it causes bad than you are a truly bad person because a decision you make should always be good and it should always benefit someone or something. I've made a couple bad decisions in my life but now i think about the decisions and i choose the right.  


                                    Student Success Statement                        "Nothing is ever gained in doing whats wrong" Reflection: This quote by Wilford is an incredible quote. Key word there is NOTHING. When you do whats wrong, what is gained from it? Nothing at all but consequences. Doing the wrong isn't very good because it does not benefit you in a good way. It can take away your rights and your freedom and even send you do jail. For example, the video we just saw was about a girl who used drugs and got taken to court. For using drugs and choosing the wrong, she was finned 10,000 and spent three days in a jail. Choosing the wrong doesn't bring you any good at all and it never will. Freedom and rights are granted when choosing the right which is what everyone should strive for.

Medical career research

                                          Recreation therapist  Duties and responsibilities: They plan and direct treatment for people with disabilities, injuries, and illnesses. They use things like arts, music, and crafts to help the patients they have. Salary:    $47,680   Education:    Recreational therapists typically need a bachelor’s degree. Recreational therapy programs include courses in assessment, human anatomy, medical and psychiatric terminology, characteristics of illnesses and disabilities, Demand or need: 7 % of job growth  Reflection: I honestly do like this career because it helps little kids which is very important and it also helps other people. This job is very caring and that's why i like it.


                                            Student Success Statement                      "It's a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time" This quote by Coach Pam Knox is incredible. Everyone should know when to do the right choices and when someone does, it is always a great moment. The video we just saw was amazing, the girl broke her acl and her teammates couldn't help her. So two girls from the other team helped her by carrying her to the home run. It is just incredible when someone has the character to do the right thing at the right time. If you were in a situation like that and you didn't help the girl, than you are a bad person because it takes a great person with kindness and character to do what those two girls did. This quote is by far the best q...

Medical career research

                                                 Radiologic technician  Duties and responsibilities:  They  perform diagnostic imaging examinations and administer radiation therapy treatments. They are educated in anatomy and patient  poisoning. Salary:  58,120 Education:  associates degree bachelors degree Demand or need: 10% Reflection: I would not like to focus on this career because it doesn't interest me.

Medical Career Research

                                                          Dentist  Duties and responsibilities: They treat and diagnose problems with gums and teeth and other parts of the mouth. They give a patient advice on what to do with there teeth which is very important. Salary:     $158,120 Education: You must graduate from dental school. They also must be licensed. Demand or needs:    Dentists is projected to grow 19 percent from 2016 to 2026. Reflection: I am very interested in this career so i believe one day i will become a dentist.


                                  Student Success Statement "I have been asked what I mean by 'word of honor. I will tell you. Place me behind prison walls--walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground--there is a possibility that in some way or another I may escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of the circle? No. Never! I'd die first" Reflection : This quote by Karl G Maeser is amazing. He will  never give his word of honor and i wouldn't either. You should always keep your word of honor and never give it away. That is something very important that you should never give away because keeping your word is very important. If you don't keep your word, you will loose a persons trust and nobody wants that. Loosing a persons trust can really suck because that person ...

Medical career research

                                             X- ray Technician  Duties and responsibilities: They operate the medical equipment used to get images of the body. They also ask the patient questions about there Medical history to see if the patient has any questions. They operate the x ray machines and prepare patients for them which is an important job. Salary:  $58,520 Education: All you need to be in this career is an associates degree. Demand or needs: Job growth of 9% through the years of 2014-2024. Reflection: I feel like i would not want to enroll in this career because it seems fairly boring but who knows maybe later on in life, this career will interest me.


                  Student Success Statement  Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect. Remain close to the Great Spirit. Show great respect for your fellow beings. Work together for the benefit of humankind. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. Do what you know to be right. Look after the well-being of mind and body. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good. Be truthful and honest at all times. Take full responsibility for your actions. Reflection: These Ten Commandments are incredible. They all talk about respect and doing whats right. Even though we aren't from India, I feel like sometimes we should use theses commandments because they are truly great. They show us how to care for each other and how to show respect and how to show responsibilities for our actions. These Commandments show us how to do what is right and everyone should look up to these commandments because they insp...

Medical Career Research

                                              Radiation Oncologist  Duties and responsibilities: These type of oncologist do radiation therapy to patients depending on what the doctor ordered. When doing this, they need to make sure that the machines are in place and right so nothing will go wrong. Salary:  80,220 Education: Most careers require of this field require a bachelors or an associates but either is fine. Demand or needs: Projected job growth of 13%from 2016 to 2026. Reflection: I would not want to enroll in this career because i just dont like this type of job. I just dont find an interest in this career.


                              Student Success Statement                     " A promise must never be broken." Reflection: I believe this statement by Alexander Hamilton is amazing because he is saying the truth because i promise should never be broken. If you make a promise and then you break it, you are a bad evil person because you didn't keep the promise. For example if someone makes a promise to someone and they don't keep it they are a bad person because a promise is very important and it means alot. If a person keeps it for the rest of there life, than that person will die happy and they would have lived an amazing life. You will loose someones trust if you break a promise that you have made and maybe even ruin your guys friendship and that is no good. Its hard to keep a promise and its very easy to break one but if your a good person, you...

Medical Career Research

                            Pulmonary Medical Physician  Duties and responsibilities : A pulmonary Medical Physician who examines disorders dealing with the lungs. They also perform test to see if a person has a disease and how they are going to help diagnose it. Salary:  $315,869 is the annual salary  Education: All a pulmonary medical physician needs is an undergraduate degree Demand or needs: Growth of 18% from 2012 - 2022 Reflection: This career seems really interesting and i would like to enroll in it when i get older. Hopefully one day i become a Pulmonary Medical Physician.


                                Student Success Statement         "  Goodness is the only investment that never fails" Reflection: I feel like this quote is awesome because it truly makes sense. Goodness will never fail you if you invest in it. It is the best investment to make because it will make you very successful. The example that we saw in class was about 10 boys who didn't invest in goodness, they invested in badness and it took them to jail. They were really devastated but it was there fault for choosing the wrong. Everyone should invest in goodness because it will lead you to become very successful and it won't fail you. If you invest in bad, it will lead you to a bad path and take you to prison like the teens that were shown in the video.  

Medical Career Research

                                                    Psychologist  Duties and responsibilities: They study their patients and they help understand behavior and mental health disorders. Psychologist encourage safety when working with a patient. Salary:  $74,346 - $96,632     Education:  Undergraduate degree  Doctorate in psychology  Demand or needs: 2014-2024 growth of 19% Reflection: I dont really find in interest in this career because i would find it hard to deal with a patient and understand their behavior. It might be easy for some people but for me its not.  


                            Student Success Statement  " My basic principle is that you don't make  decisions  because they are easy; you don't make them because they are cheap; you don't make them because they're popular ;  you make them  because  they're right .” Reflection: I believe this Statement by Theodore Hesburgh is amazing. You shouldn't make a decision because its cheap or popular, you make it if its the right decision. A decision that's popular may be wrong and that isn't the right thing. Making a wrong decision can change a person forever so thats why you need to make the decision that is right.  A decision may be cheap but it can cost a person a lot of trouble. A decision should be based on if its right not if its cheap. For example coaches need to make alot of decisions but they need to make the right one, not the one that is cheap or easy....


                                                      School Break  In the school break days, i just stayed in and played fortnite with my friends.  I didnt go to many places but just the beach and the movie theaters. When i went to goals, I met a famous Spanish singer and I couldn't believe it was him because i never imagined him going there. On Saturday i went to go see the movie Black Panther and it was amazing. On the weekends, I played soccer but that's what I normally do. A CTR experience that i had was i gave a homeless man food because i figured he needed it more than i did. I felt really good after i did that. The book i read was a Percy Jackson book because i find his books really interesting. For homework, I did an essay, a worksheet for health, and also a math worksheet. Thats pretty much all i did. My school ...